Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kitchen Adventures: Lightened Up Version

Like everyone else, we are trying to cut back here as we recover from the gluttony of the holidays. I've been scouring my cookbooks and magazines to find a few healthy recipes for us to try. I recently found a great recipe for Salsa Chicken from Cooking Light's website. It was simple and easy to prepare. Plus it was perfect for a weeknight since it only took me about 25 minutes to fix. 

I served it with a side of black beans and salsa for a perfect and healthy dinner on a weeknight. I would love to hear if you have found any quick and easy healthy meals to start off the New Year. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

12 Goals for 2012 - Part Two

I realize this is a long post so I wanted to split it up. A few of my other goals for this New Year are: 

7. Mingle with other moms: I don't have many mom friends but the ones that I have I treasure. I hope to meet more new moms in 2012 because its nice to know that someone else is in the same boat as you.

8. More playdates for W: Since W isn't in daycare anymore, I have worked very hard to give him socialization with other babies. We tried Gymboree and playdates but I still feel like I'm falling short, so in 2012 I'm committing to get him around other babies.

9. Spend our money on experiences instead of things: Since we don't need any more stuff, I want to spend our money on experiences in 2012 instead of things. 

10. Learn Spanish: I took Spanish in college but now know very little Spanish. This year I want to learn more basic words and phrases so that I can speak it to W. Fortunately for us, my husband’s best friend just moved to Atlanta and he is fluent in Spanish. 

11. Spend a night away from W: So this year, I hope to do something I haven’t done yet and that is spend a night away from the little man. I know it will be hard but it’s a must. I need the
break and he needs to spend more quality time with his grandparents. 

12. Travel: I'm not sure I will swing it financially but I'm dying to hit the road again. The problem with being a traveler at heart is that no matter how many places I've been there are a hundred more places I want to go. I hope that 2012 will have me packing my bags!

What are your goals or resolutions for 2012? I am declaring 2012 will be a great year for all of us. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

12 Goals for 2012 - Part One

I don't know about you but I'm ready for a new year. 2011 was a trying year for me and I struggled a lot in my new role of motherhood. At the same time, I wouldn't trade a second of it. Every year I make resolutions and after a few weeks most them are forgotten. So for 2012 I'm not making resolutions, instead I'm setting goals for the new year.

Worry Less and Enjoy More: I feel like I spent more time this past year worrying than anything else. I worried about my job, the baby, the house, my health, my marriage - you name it and I worried about it. So this year, I've decided to not worry so much about the present, the future or the past. Instead, I want to enjoy the time I have with my family.

Get organized and purge: I must confess that my husband and I are both pack rats. It wouldn't be so bad if just one of us had a lot of stuff but when both of you do it can be a problem. When we moved into this house, I thought for sure we would have so much room but it turns out we don't because we have so much stuff. Now, on top of all of our stuff we now have a ton of baby stuff and I have finally had enough. One of my goals is to get rid of some of the things we have and to organize the things we want to keep. I know this will take me most of the year to do and it will be a long, hard process but I hope that at the end of 2012 we will have less stuff to weigh us down.

Complete a few house projects: If I had $50,000 laying around, I would have the perfect house because I could fix all of things that I hate about our house. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of money so I have to pick my battles. The bad part about moving when you are 5 months pregnant is you don't have the energy to tackle the small DIY projects. I want to finally take the time to do a few simple projects that will make our home more enjoyable, because its those small things that I hate and drive me crazy on a daily basis.

Eat healthier: One of the great things about having a toddler around is that they watch you all day long and they watch what you eat. In the last few weeks, I have had to give up snacking around my son because he wants to eat when he sees me eat. Planning healthy meals can be a challenge with a picky eater, but I want W to see us eating healthy so that he will be a good and healthy eater as he grows up.

Expand my culinary horizons: I know I've written about this before but I really want to commit to experimenting more in the kitchen. It seems that we are always eating the same few meals and I'm tired of it.

Find my purpose: Since getting laid off from my job, I've really struggled with my purpose in life. The job market hasn't helped me either since it seems impossible for me to find another job these days. I have enjoyed and have treasured the time I have spent at home with my son but I feel like something is missing. I don't know what it is but I know I'm meant to do something else too.

I realize this is a long post so I'm going to break it up into two. Stay tuned for more goals for 2012! In the meantime, what are your goals or resolutions?