Thursday, January 5, 2012

12 Goals for 2012 - Part Two

I realize this is a long post so I wanted to split it up. A few of my other goals for this New Year are: 

7. Mingle with other moms: I don't have many mom friends but the ones that I have I treasure. I hope to meet more new moms in 2012 because its nice to know that someone else is in the same boat as you.

8. More playdates for W: Since W isn't in daycare anymore, I have worked very hard to give him socialization with other babies. We tried Gymboree and playdates but I still feel like I'm falling short, so in 2012 I'm committing to get him around other babies.

9. Spend our money on experiences instead of things: Since we don't need any more stuff, I want to spend our money on experiences in 2012 instead of things. 

10. Learn Spanish: I took Spanish in college but now know very little Spanish. This year I want to learn more basic words and phrases so that I can speak it to W. Fortunately for us, my husband’s best friend just moved to Atlanta and he is fluent in Spanish. 

11. Spend a night away from W: So this year, I hope to do something I haven’t done yet and that is spend a night away from the little man. I know it will be hard but it’s a must. I need the
break and he needs to spend more quality time with his grandparents. 

12. Travel: I'm not sure I will swing it financially but I'm dying to hit the road again. The problem with being a traveler at heart is that no matter how many places I've been there are a hundred more places I want to go. I hope that 2012 will have me packing my bags!

What are your goals or resolutions for 2012? I am declaring 2012 will be a great year for all of us. 

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