Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Making Your Own Baby Food: Lessons Learned

Ok, I started out this series by confusing my lack of domestic skills. So far I've been pretty lucky and I've only had a few mishaps. 

1. Make sure you have enough ice cube trays for when you start making big batches of food. I started with only two and had to invest in a third shortly after I started. I love the OXO brand of ice cube trays. 
2. You win some and you lose some. There are some batches that just don't turn out right whether its too watery or too thick. Its just the way it goes, especially when you are making something the first time. I still struggle with getting the right consistency with squash.  So for the batches that are watery I just add a little rice cereal and mix it in to thicken it up. 
3. Sweet potatoes don't take much pureeing. Every time I make sweet potatoes, I think I'm going to blow up the motor on my blender. So I recently started just mashing them up with a manual potato masher and it works great. 
4. Mix it up. Don't be afraid to try new things. 

If you choose to make your own baby food, just be patient. It will take you and your baby both awhile to get used to it. Just keep at it, in the end you will be glad that you did. 

Stay for details on my next "going green with baby" experiment - cloth diapers. 

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