Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

It is official! W is drinking out of a sippy cup. It just dawned on me yesterday that he drank all of his "bottles" from sippy cups. It might not seem like much to you but its been a couple of long months to get to this point. 

At our 6 month checkup our pediatrician gave us the green light on sippy cups. It took us a couple of weeks before we started but boy was it a DISASTER. Since W had been using the Born Free bottles (which I LOVE), I bought him a Born Free trainer cup.  At first he thought it was a great toy, dropping it over the high chair. 

After a few days of playing with it, I added the formula and put it in his mouth and the meltdown commenced.  After a few minutes I gave up and transferred the formula to a bottle. This scene played out in my kitchen for weeks on end. Every few days we would try to introduce the sippy cup without any success.

Once W started crawling, I was determined to get him drinking out of a sippy cup or at the very least to hold his own bottle. But just like everything with babies, it just clicked one day. I wish I could tell you that there is some kind of trick but it just takes time and a lot of patience.  

At first it was small steps, he would only drink a fourth or half the formula from the sippy cup and then before I knew it he figured out how to lift the cup up to get the very last drop out. 

Sippy cup success! 

If you are transitioning from the bottle to the sippy cup, hang in there. Your baby will eventually figure it out. 

- JetSet2CarSeat

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