Monday, July 25, 2011

Making Your Own Baby Food: The Nitty Gritty

Ok, so now that I've covered why I make my own baby food and the tools that I use its time to get down to the nitty gritty: the how-to. You will need a good stockpot to boil your vegetables and cook them until they are fork tender. Depending on the vegetable and how many this can be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
My go-to pot for green beans

Once the vegetable/fruit is cooked then you just put it in the food processor and hit puree. I generally add a laddle of water from the stockpot. This always help me to get to the right consistency but you can add more or less depending on what you are cooking. I forgot to take a picture of the green beans but here is a photo of the apples I cooked and pureed the day before. 


When you get the food to the right consistency for your baby, just fill the ice cube trays and freeze overnight. Then store them in a ziploc freezer bag. Make sure you label the bag and the date. 

Apples just out of the freezer
One of the great things about making your own baby food is that you can use almost any vegetable. So far I have made green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, corn, butternut squash, squash, zucchini, apples, and peaches. So while the other babies in your circle are just eating peas, your baby can get a head start on eating his broccoli. 

Corn, sweet potato, broccoli, and carrot baby food

Good luck and happy pureeing!

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