Saturday, August 13, 2011

Keeping Cool at the Georgia Aquarium

Earlier this summer, we had a friend visit us from New England. The few days he was in town it was HOT. So instead of sitting around our house, we decided to venture downtown to the Georgia Aquarium. At first, we were concerned that W wouldn't enjoy it or it would be too much for him since he was only 6 months-old but we were wrong. W loved it.

W trying to pet the penguins

W really enjoyed watching the penguins and trying to pet them through the glass. He also loved watching the beluga whales, whale sharks and the manta rays. 

Watching the penguins swim by

I'm sure as W gets older he will enjoy the "petting" areas and the playground, but for now he enjoys just watching the fish swim by. We ended up getting annual passes so we can visit every few months. I'm sure each time we go he will take in more of the exhibits and experience the aquarium even more. I can't wait to see how well he does on our next visit. 

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